All posts by Shanice


● Shan Smile Morning Thoughts ●


The Rain & Sun Falls On ALL Of Us!


So, staying positive through the rain, dosen’t mean the absence of it… but it gives you the willpower to get through it.

If only we’d be a little more ‘happy’ or have a little more ‘hope’, our burdens would be a little more easier to carry. Yes, there’s a time for everything but ultimately God doesn’t want us to be sad. We’re here to share love, God’s love. He sent His Son to show us the way, to give us life!! How can we fulfil that with a negative attitude?

We have to let God take us through things & let Him work in us so our mess becomes our message, our negatives become our positives. Difficult things that we have or are yet to endure, prepare us for God’s blessings in our future. We just need to stay true to Him…. & we get a new chance to do this everyday!

#FoodForThought – We are in charge of what attitude we choose to take on each & every day.

The rain and sun falls on ALL of us!

God bless and stay encouraged!

Shan :) x

Like A Seed!

We are often taught to always just put on a brave face while our inside is dying. Truth is we NEED to fix what’s on the inside first! As your spirit is what will last, not your outward.
× Penetrate God
× His Word
× The good things
& you’ll find your answers there. There will be times where we have to die to rise up again. But to rise up better and wiser!

‘No seed will grow unless it dies first’. (1 Corinthians15:36)

So yes, we will go through hard phases but it all equips us to rise up better; following God’s purpose for us, allowing the right things in our circle & being an example of God’s great work!….That’s my key for change and a brighter, stronger future.

Shan :) x



I spent the evening in Basildon watching the newly released filmed Angels Vs Bullies  with my Fathers and Big Sis.

Myself and sister started the filming process of Angels Vs Bullies 6 years ago and today was the day we finally got to see the finished film. It was an exciting moment.

My sister had a main feature,  acting as ‘Francis’, The main characters best friend. I was also singing in the film, playing Fancis’ friend.

We spent months in the studio recording vocals and filming in schools for the film. It was a great experience! It was great to see all the hard work come to life!

Director and Producer – Chris Turner

Find out more about the film and how to see it here: –



I Love Weddings! :’)

Marriage is such a beautiful thing! It really is an emblem to represent God’s love to us!

Myself and Pianist, Christina were honoured to perform at a beautiful couple’s (Nikeisha & Reyane) wedding this August.


IMG_2302We was asked to sing a set of songs for the Church Ceremony.
– Moved By You – India Aire
– Rainbow Maker – Joey Kimble
– Im Sure It’s You – Shelea Frazier
– Finally I – Darryl Coley


Each song has a beautiful message to deliver. Here is what we recorded during rehearsals. Filmed by Amarra.
Im Sure It’s You

Congratulations to the Bride and Groom!!

*Love Never Fails* *Love Has No Fear*

The Distortion Of Sound

I really enjoyed watching this documentary. It definitely gave me a reminder on how much effort musicians and artists put into their work, for it to then be diluted by technology and methods of listening… Lol. Boii #TheWorldWeLiveInToday

“The Distortion of Sound is a documentary about the decline of sound quality and how technology has changed the way we listen to music. It will open your ears and inspire you to reach for richer, more soul-stirring musical experiences.”

Music #TheDistortionOfSound #Documentry #Music

Peace with God

Peace With God
I was listening to a sermon by Joyce Meyer and gained some reminders and useful tips on being at Peace with God & yourself.
How can we have more peace with God?
  • Be quick to repent. There is no point in trying to hide something from God because He knows it all anyways. In Psalms 32 David talks about the state he was in before he repented and after he repented.
  • Don’t be angry with God because things didn’t work out the way you wanted. Just remember, Life is not fair, but God is just.
  • Stop trying to figure everything out. The more we try to figure everything out the more confused we can get. Get comfortable with saying, yes, no or I don’t know. Leave it in God’s hands. We won’t and don’t know everything. God does that. That is why we know Him. He has an appointed time for our breakthrough!
  • Be at peace with yourself. Embrace you and how God made you.  Psalms 139:14
How can you have more peace with yourself?
  • Don’t take an inventory or everything that’s wrong with you. Face your faults but don’t focus on them – Hebrews 12:1-2
  • Fight back the enemy. Whenever the enemy reminds you of all you failures, thank him because now you can be extra thankful for how God has forgiven you!
  • Stop putting you confidence in outward things. Gain your confidence because you’re a Child of God and God Loves You! Not by how much you have, how you look, a position you have, education etc.
  • Stop determining your worth and value based on how people treated you in life. 
  • Stop letting other people run your life and learn to be lead by the Spirit. Listen to what God says about you in His word not what others say.
  • Let go of the past and press towards the future. You can’t change what has happened in your past but you can change what happens today onwards.

Psalm 119:165

Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.


GRADUATING is a GREAT feeling I must admit. I have been looking forward to this day for a very long time! lol.


Having my family there on such a hot & lovely summers day was a blessing also. To see the smiles on their faces for the whole day was priceless. I remember so clearly when my big sister graduated only 3 years ago.

I managed to achieve a FIRST CLASS Degree incluing the degree prize (BAMBAM Prize), for my effort and top grade. God Is Good!


My uni experience got off on to a hard start and a tough finished! But I did it! I made it! & It was worth it! & I thank God for bringing me through it!

I just want to encourage everybody who is in education, whether you have just started or are about to finish, whether the process is very hard or a walk in the park at this moment in time… Do Not Give UP! Do your Best & God WILL do the rest! Speak good things over your life and they will come to pass once you truly believe they will!

So the world is supposedly my oyster now!? Eeek