Category Archives: Daily

Like A Seed!

We are often taught to always just put on a brave face while our inside is dying. Truth is we NEED to fix what’s on the inside first! As your spirit is what will last, not your outward.
× Penetrate God
× His Word
× The good things
& you’ll find your answers there. There will be times where we have to die to rise up again. But to rise up better and wiser!

‘No seed will grow unless it dies first’. (1 Corinthians15:36)

So yes, we will go through hard phases but it all equips us to rise up better; following God’s purpose for us, allowing the right things in our circle & being an example of God’s great work!….That’s my key for change and a brighter, stronger future.

Shan :) x



I spent the evening in Basildon watching the newly released filmed Angels Vs Bullies  with my Fathers and Big Sis.

Myself and sister started the filming process of Angels Vs Bullies 6 years ago and today was the day we finally got to see the finished film. It was an exciting moment.

My sister had a main feature,  acting as ‘Francis’, The main characters best friend. I was also singing in the film, playing Fancis’ friend.

We spent months in the studio recording vocals and filming in schools for the film. It was a great experience! It was great to see all the hard work come to life!

Director and Producer – Chris Turner

Find out more about the film and how to see it here: –




GRADUATING is a GREAT feeling I must admit. I have been looking forward to this day for a very long time! lol.


Having my family there on such a hot & lovely summers day was a blessing also. To see the smiles on their faces for the whole day was priceless. I remember so clearly when my big sister graduated only 3 years ago.

I managed to achieve a FIRST CLASS Degree incluing the degree prize (BAMBAM Prize), for my effort and top grade. God Is Good!


My uni experience got off on to a hard start and a tough finished! But I did it! I made it! & It was worth it! & I thank God for bringing me through it!

I just want to encourage everybody who is in education, whether you have just started or are about to finish, whether the process is very hard or a walk in the park at this moment in time… Do Not Give UP! Do your Best & God WILL do the rest! Speak good things over your life and they will come to pass once you truly believe they will!

So the world is supposedly my oyster now!? Eeek

The Importance of Rehearsing

Rehearsing can sometimes be a drag. I know.

But hey…It is key! How will you get better unless you practice?

It’s all about repetition, and enjoying the repetition process. If you’re finding it long winded…reconsider what and how you are rehearsing.

My dad always drummed into my ears (from a very young age) “practice makes perfect”! This wasn’t always regarding music or singing, it was to do with any and everything; my education, cooking, designing, computing and so much more. So I took that advice on board and it definitely worked for me. There are times when I’m not as consistent in rehearsing as I should be, because of my busy schedule i’ll admit, but when I am, I do see the results.

Here are some scriptures to encourage you in your rehearsal process.

Proverbs 23:7For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”

The apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:14-15, “Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to your through prophecy with the laying on of hands by the council of elders. Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.”

Uni Completed? CHECK

That feeling when you’ve completed your final University work/journey!!!!! & wow, what a journey!
We never know what our neighbour’s going through deep down, even though they smile… But just remind them to not let the struggles of life bring them down!! Keep your head up & remember God is bigger than any struggle  x